Payme India — urgent attention – loan repayment


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I took a transient credit of Rs.8000 which was expected on 03rd Nov 18 and past due for 17 days now. In view of some basic money related circumstance I was not able pay the equivalent. Anyway I am attempting to organize support on top most need premise. My past boss submitted a similar that they will discharge FNF of the installment to me in a week ago. Anyway that doesn’t occurred. I am ceaselessly followup with them with best most concern in regards to our significant advance relationship that why I was not able impart and submit with you. My manager submitted that they will enable me to out before the month end.

I might want to ask for you that please hold on for me till time as I am not a determined defaulter. From recent months I am confronting bunches of monetary basic issues at my home. I am attempting my best to settle contribution at soonest as could be allowed. Because of my work issues that is all incident. Additionally I might want to ask for you that kindly don’t followup with my telephone directory contacts as it is deceptive and unjustifiable practice which will inconvenience me to reimburse equivalent to I would prefer not to demolish our monetary relationship. I incredibly welcome that you helped me in my basic money related circumstance which I will always remembered. I trust you comprehend my circumstance is certified and will participate on the equivalent.

Akshay 6 years 0 Answers 373 views 0

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