Credit Mantri on fee payment company isn’t breakdown issue


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Please don’t prefer any of the service from credit mantri. because of some communication gap my cc wasn’t closed the due quantity visited 6000/-. additional because it came to my notice i settled account for office 4000/-. presently when a pair of year {or therefore|approximately|about|close to|just about|some|roughly|more or less|around} the creditmantri representative unbroken following-up and expression this cc account is impacting my credit score therefore to take care i connect with cc bank and asked for quantity to mark standing as closed so bank asked to pay remaining 2000/- to maneuver standing from settled to closed. But, this creditmantri representative once more referred to as and once I privy that can|i will be able to|i’ll} to bank and find it closed he influenced expression there’s no got to pay quantity to bank and if there’s they’re going to discuss the quantity with bank therefore merely pay 925/- fees to creditmantri and that they will get onto enclosed all places and additionally gave assurance expression they’re going to share the phonephone language transcript over mail post payment. So, i prefer therefore referred to as credit improvement (The fake) service. Guess what! The creditmantri ne’er shared conversation transcript and in name only of service shared same data (Which i already knew) expression i want to clear remaining 2000/- due quantity to urge it closed and zilch will be refrained from this payment. I actually have to finish up paying 2000/- due quantity bank and freed from value fees of 925/- to creditmantri for doing nothing. I request to authoritative body to require prompt and heavy actions against this fraud creditmantri company cheating to innocent public.

, , Sc terrier 5 years 0 Answers 243 views 0

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