Elite Group Of Loyalty Services membership cancellation and refund


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Dear sir/ madam, 


We took a membership with upper crust of loyalty services, hyderabad on 05feb2019 and paid a membership fee of 1lakh authority on a similar date. the corporate deals with welcome services associated with vacation bookings and resorts. once the payment is finished, after we try and reach the client care either one. The client care isn’t out there or a pair of. they supply harsh response to our queries. staring at a similar we tend to needed to cancel our membership and request a refund for the number paid. Now, none of their contact mediums square measure operating and that we square measure left with no facilitate. 

Can you please facilitate US resolve this issue. 


Awaiting your fast response. 


Thanking you, 


, Srikanthk 5 years 0 Answers 306 views 0

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