Elite Group Of Loyalty Services — elite group of loyalty services:forced membership and fraud company


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This company is the biggest fraud company and they take their room for making membership. Once customer paid amount after that they never keep their promise. They told there will be 3 assured gift & if we will be eligible then u will be getting big gift. They took customers inside room & were asking questions about holiday planning. They were forcing to take 5 yrs membership. They forced us to pay 2, 31000 rs through credit card for 10 years and we did the payment through credit card emi option.

But later on we came to know its as fraud company we asked for refund but they denied also uptil todays date they are not attending any calls and also they didnt provided any services,

Please help me to get my money back… We had also filled an chargeback to the credit card company but they are asking for the merchants cancellation mail.. Since its an fraud company they will not provide the mail..

Please help me out with this..

p_naik 6 years 0 Answers 304 views 0

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