Likizo Services Pvt Ltd forced membership and fraud


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I have entered into agreement with likizo services on nov 2018.

Membership no : lsm-1785.

In inorbit mall 1 person was giving coupon for lucky draw. He told just write name & contact no. Next day we got call for assured gift from belapur office. They forced to come there. They told there will be 3 assured gift & if we will be eligible then u will get big gift. They took customers inside room & were asking questions holiday planning. They were forcing to take 5 yrs membership. We told we are middle-class & can’t afford that plan. Then they told for 1 yr plan. They told don’t just think of money if u will take plan then u will surely go for holiday. Just for going holiday we took that plan. But after seeing review we came to know that company is fraud & trap people in the name of membership.

We mailed customer care for refund but they refused to do refund. They are telling money is non refundable & we will have to utilize the services. There is no such clause that money cannot be refunded. Please help us to get back our money.

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Tushar 6 years 1 Answer 334 views 0

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  1. Sorry it a private answer.

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