MTS India Blaze Complaints — Cheating


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We got a Mts blaze 3g wifi after checking the speed from the seller (only signal) not loading any pages(he said no balance :3 ), so after it got activated the maximum speed limit is just 100kpbs. we called them they said there’s no coverage its a technical we called them to stop the service and to take the modem back.They asked to wait for 36 hour time and gave us a location to return .we bought the modem for 1100 Rs now they are saying they can return only 242 Rs seriously what the hell is this? they did mentioned that they will take it back in case of poor service but clearing cheating about 800 rupees ? what should i do ?? they are not responding i cant lose 800 rupees to this …is this a plan to generate revenue?

Kishore Srinivas 6 years 0 Answers 284 views 0

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