Personal Loan credit mantri recommended collected money and quit.
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Unethical Credit mantri,
I have been trying for credit card or personnel loan since long time,
During 1st week of jan.2019 one of your office lady contacted me on my phone and told “i am eligible for personnel loan”
I said, my credit score is 680 i am not eligible for credit card and stopped trying. Yet she said ok. You will be recommended by us and get personnel loan to improve my credit score.
For that ‘i need to register with creditmantri on by paying rs. 237.00.
I said ok., but i am not sure, even if i get i registered with creditmantri.
I was quite, but that lady chased me and forced me to get registered with creditmantri by paying rs. 237.00.
I registered my self by paying rs.237.00 on 09.01.2019.
Thereafter, creidtmantri “vansihed” no phone calls / no emails and i tried many times to contact, but i could not get through my calls.
Prior to my registration with creidtmantri, i was getting emails now they also stopped.
Complaint :- when you can’t recommend and support why you forced me, only to take money from me? If so i will not ask for money or your support.
Kindly check and confirm.
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