Ride Travel Club ride travel club – faux overall package quantity


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I have reserved package for geographical region. Flight quantity was told 25964 rs. I even have payed 25964 rs on fifth march to those company on confirmation with manisha. No reply from their aspect on fifth regardng price ticket confirmation. On sixth march they referred to as and aforesaid your flight charges is 39000. means that they need simply fooled United States when receiving 25964. they’re giving solely five hundredth refund for that quantity paid to them albeit price ticket isn’t reserved. Some third party reason they’re giving. These company is simply casual individuals with 0.5 info. Please create them to refund full quantity.

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, amartaware 6 years 1 Answer 324 views 0

Answer ( 1 )

  1. Please briefly explain why you feel this answer should be reported .


    Ride travel club is another example to cheater company. They think other people have lots of money and they are blindly ready to give money for useless ride travel club membership plan. Stay away from them.

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