Sri Murugan Travel Agency, Madurai requesting of an advance amount to turkey tour


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I had booked a tour for turkey on 18th april 2018 and i had done advance payment of rs. 42000/- to sri murugan travel agency via net banking, madurai. Even though the booking department lady asked the amount in cash. Actually the tour to be conduct on may 20th 2018. I was waited upto 10th may, but i did not receive any communication from the travel agency. When i contracted over phone on 15th may, i received the reply, that they do not have any numbers to conduct the tour. I requested to refund the amount and they asked to go to another tour. But i’m not interested and requested to refund the amount. Normally if the travel agency cancelled the tour, automatically they will return the advance amount. When i asked the accounts department, that lady promised me to return the amount during this week and asked my bank details. I send sms on 26th may, waiting for the transfer. After trying to conduct, so many times, they didn’t respond my calls.I am requesting to refund my advance amount of rs.42000/= and late fee 2000/ and the total amount is rs.44000/-

travellerpdy 6 years 0 Answers 306 views 0

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