Travel Agency —


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Am Calio McCann and my wife is Julia McCann from United State (Newyork), am a scientist and researcher, my wife is a banker, we have 3 kids Greg 6 years,Maylie 4 years and Vivi 1 years and 6month, we are a very busy family, i do alot of traveling due to the nature of my job and my wife on the other hand closes late at work, we need a truth worthy and friendly person to take care of our kids in our absence. We need you to take the kids to school and bring them back home,, my kids also like picnics and having fun so you will be a full part of the family and have to take them to movies and picnic once a while.I will be expecting your mail to know if you have a Working Visa to work legally in USA but if you dont then you will have to contact this traveling agency that will help you with all your traveling document here is there email .Also i would like to know if you can drive to know if you would be able make use of our spare car. We will also like to know when you will be available to come over and the duration you can spend with my family. I will be paying you 500USD every weeks which will be every Fridays which I suppose should be Okay by you. You will also have access to my body guard and two rooms in my house if you will like to use that in my house, and also we have a spare Toyota jeep for you and if you will like a smaller one that wont be a problem at all. I hope to hear from you soon.

Ariane Igni 6 years 0 Answers 215 views 0

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