Bussan machine Finance Republic of India [Baf] forcely taken my bike while not the mentioned date and time


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Dear sir/madam, 


I want to lodge a grievance against “bussan machine care & finance” Bangalore branch


Reason-forcely taken my bike while not the mentioned date and time.


Date of buying-04.01.2018

Branch name-laxmi international

Model-yamaha r15s, black/green

Total installment paid-15

They sent American state the notice that pay 91000.00 and acquire back your bike. Forcely they signed American state over the authorised paper and brought out my bike. solely a pair of emi has due, already i paid -63885.00.


I have visited the Bangalore bussan branch workplace and refer to man. Francis (Collection manager) however he respond roughly. So, i request you to intervene get American state justice at the earliest and please relinquishment my bike lawfully, i will be able to pay actuality quantity that is close to concerning rs-12000.00


Bhusan finance is incredibly wrost service in Bangalore and his employe like rowdy. Head workplace and branch workplace terribly roughly behaviour by decision and direct contact. 

Dont finance any bike in Bangalore with bhusan machine finance.


With regards

Surajit maity

surajit s 5 years 0 Answers 274 views 0

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