Club Mahindra Holidays — fraud with me (payment)


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when i purchase your product (Date:[protected]

Club mahindra Holidays company agent (Salesman) tell me another (Total Amount) & now a days your apploye tell me another (Total Amount).


For White Studio.


I already Paid


25, 210/- x 8 = 2, 01, 680/-

CASH= 15, 700/-

CARD= 20, 000/-

9, 998/- x 9 = 89, 982/-


TOTAL Amount= 3, 27, 362/- (I already paid)


And Tell me ASF money (14, 500/-) Paid when you use membership,

paid only this running year money pay.


now when i already paid 3, 27, 362/-

they tell me you also pay ASF money every year (15, 300 x 25 = 3, 82, 500/-)


so i stop my next Four Payment (25, 210 x 4 = 1, 00, 840)


Club mahindra Holidays company was cheat me..


… Please refund my money as soon as possible…


CHANDUBHAI PANCHAL 6 years 0 Answers 310 views 0

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