Drivekool overcharging and decilitre delay..


Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported .


Have been following up for my decilitre copy for an extended time nearly over a year…and currently came a surprise speech.. got to pay 1500 additional to urge an equivalent..


Deeply foiled with their service. Inspite of paying 3000.


This has been delayed thanks to their staff’s carelessness… and for now even have been following up from February 2019 for a decilitre slot and atlast got a slot on twenty seven Apr 2019 simply few days before my LL ending date.


They have been doing this everytime.. booking a slot on the brink of the times of LL ending to fool the purchasers and wasting our time and cash


Inspite of paying 3000, are asked to get the native outlets for printing, registration etc.


Also they need wasted my time and cash by asking American state to go to the RTO many times by applying for 2 wheeler licence rather than four wheeler licence.. and currently they’re asking American state to pay another 1500 rs to unleash the decilitre thanks to their staff’s carelssenes..

, Dipavali 5 years 0 Answers 292 views 0

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