Great vacation Club services


Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported .


These individuals square measure such a giant fraud. At the time of taking cash, build most committments and later they do not even trouble to require calls neither answers any messages. Pathetic company I actually have ever sweet-faced. individuals here solely is aware of cheating on customers and taking cash. I actually have asked for refund of quantity thanks to this however from Gregorian calendar month i’m running when them and additionally paying insterest on emi that is additionally higher as they need reimbursed solely twenty, 000 against it and it came to be higher. Now, rufused for that additionally. None of their vouchers will be used bcoz no support for that still. i’m tired to such a limit that in my whole life, i’ll not ever advocate them to anyone. the staff up here do not have moral behavior towards customers. they’re therefore rude. It’s sounds like hells coordinative to those pathetic individuals.

I want my full quantity refund bcoz already paying interest since Gregorian calendar month 2018 and until currently no correct response has been received. they’re simply light United States of America since Gregorian calendar month thirteen, 2018

, VibhaAnand 6 years 0 Answers 308 views 0

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