Policy Bazaar ignoring customer’s request for cancellation of policy


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Requested cancellation of policy. currently they’re not responding to my request. I aforementioned to the person i talked to, that i’ll take the policy when sinking of my job. however he was therefore sensible at convincing that i accepted and took the policy. however currently once I am posing for cancellation i had not received one response from there facet. i’m having some issue happening with ME and that i don’t desire this policy currently. What to mention, there was incorrect enteries in my kind ranging from my name, they aforementioned send them associate degree email requesting to correct it. I did. And currently they need issued the policy while not correction.

Now once I am asking them for cancellation they’re not even addressing it.

Not pleased with your employees, your approach of labor, you cheat your client.

, Dr. Ria Yadav 5 years 0 Answers 247 views 0

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