Private Bus — paulo travels


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The ac bus is not functioning, people are fainting and vommitting, noticeably deteriorating medical conditions due to clostophobia, the tyres of the bus have gone flat atleast three times on the way. We were made to wait for 1 hour each. The bus is running late for more than 3 hours. The proprietor does not seem to bother. The drivers and person along with them are very rude, incooperative and rebellious. The paulo receptionist offices do not seem to be responding to this problem. The proprietor says # he can do nothing about any of the above. He advises a girl to get down midway and take another bus # and he can’t do much about it! They seem to be taking this for granted. This is grave violation of my rights as a passenger. It’s time some action be taken against such corrupt bus services. It doesn’t do justice for the amount we have paid. People are falling sick. This is extremely torturous and it’s affecting mental health. And this also amounts to mental harassment

Labdhi Jhatakia 5 years 0 Answers 178 views 0

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