— Sulekha process


Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported .


I am a paid customer of Sulekha.


It is a fraud business they are running.


Until collecting the amount for the annual package they will make hell lot promises that they will provide so many messages, customer phone calls etc wit respect to business.


After collecting the payment they will make you A big fool. They will not provide you the service which they have committed before paying you the amount.


The same story is repeating in my case since 3 years. Even if you call up customer care also no use. They will not respond.


This year also the same thing happened .

There is one lady by name Una Maheswari she is a manager in chennai office. When the representative came to collect money for renewal I clearly told I am not interest in continuing but this lady stating I am the manager and I will take the responsibilty she gave all her contact details Whatsapp I’d everything that I will directly deal in case of any problem this time.


As the manager only promised I got convinced and paid amount again. After collecting the amount again the same old story repeated.


This lady is a big fraud and 420. The managers it self are like this in Sulekha. When I tried to contact her she told its in process it will Take time to get your services activated. Like this she moved for 1 month. After that when I tried calling her she tried to escape saying false that I have not committed for and so service.


Later she put my number also in block list. Finally I called to customer care dept. when I raised a complaint against her no response for the request or complaint. As the ticket will be routed to her she itself used to close the ticket as resolved.


Worthless and waste of your money in paying to Sulekha

siri surrathi 6 years 0 Answers 231 views 0

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