Times Of Bharat — news paper not received in correct


Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported .


Respected Sir/Madam,


I am the service recipient of Times of Bharat cluster, news paper Subscription No [protected] within the name of Rabisankar Gayen, Register Mobile no [protected]


i) i’m not received the any news paper (Times of Bharat & Ei Samay) from 15/03/2019 to until date.


ii) From Gregorian calendar month eighteen onwords your paper received when nine.40 am and Sunday paper received when ten.30 am. many time I requested to Mr. Keshab Chakraborty (my contact person mobile no [protected]) for correct service however no changes in temporal arrangement.


iii) a while I received reproductive structure news paper (like Ananda Bazaar and others) inform him to alter the paper however no response from his finish.


This issue inform to Times of Bharat cluster by mail id crm.kolkata@timesgroup.com on 23/03/2019, 25/03/2019 & 01/04/2019 and additionally my phonephone criticism no 00027571.


Still these days 04/05/2019 not resolve my issue, during this regards please consider this matter as earliest.

Shyameli 6 years 0 Answers 427 views 0

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