Travelport Holidays. Pvt. Ltd. — Cheated me


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I got a travelport voucher for 2 night 3 days holiday as a gift with gitanjali jewellery.


When I tried to book the vacations, I came to know that I have to pay Rs. 798 for handling charges.(why is it so).


Secondly when I send them the DD in favour of Travelport holidays pvt, ltd., they said me to change it to Travelport holidays india pvt. ltd., then I sent them again.


then they told me that we dont have any vacancy in sikkim for nov in any of the hotels mentioned in the voucher.


But when I went to that hotel directly, I got the room and also the hotel was having only 2 room occupied at that time (myself and one more family).


I want to know why you people are ruining people money without any reason.

( I almost spent 60 rupees for two times courier and also two times of cancellation of DD i.e. 200 rupees).


Earlier I was thinking to get the whole trip planned by travelport for sikkim, but after the experience I have got, I went there directly.


I think, its a very big fraud that company is doing with people of india.

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Vijay Singla 6 years 2 Answers 265 views 0

Answers ( 2 )

  1. Please briefly explain why you feel this answer should be reported .


    We are a group of voluntеers and starting a new scheme in our community.

    Yоur website provided us with vaⅼuablе information to work on. You’ve done an impressive
    job and our ѡhoⅼe community wіll Ƅe ɡrateful to you.

  2. Please briefly explain why you feel this answer should be reported .


    Never trust such vouchers coupons code given by these people they are fraud and fake company

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