Travel Gateway — Still not getting my money from travel gateway


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Dear Sir, I was receiving continuously calls from 91-[protected]/[protected] on 28/12/2015 from Travel Gateway till make payment, They are very politely request me to pay amount Rs 9999/- for returning of vacation-gateways money which are hold in gateway and CBI rate held on vacation gateway and CBI inform to us just return all money which is taken by vacation gateway.Finally I made payment from my credit card, amount 9999/- and after some days also tell me that you have to make another payment to account by cash, same done for security reasons / and he promised me that within seven working days-you will received gateway money & this credit card money also, Meanwhile I have sent several mail & done telephonic-ally conversation but no proper response has received from them on issue & sent a mail to Travel gateway many times, then at 28-jan-2016 Mr Ram talk to me when i send a strong mail to them, and he promised me that on mail also give me 7 working days i will definitely refund your your all 35000 approx amount. but 7 days also gone but not response.

, zunaid sheikh 6 years 0 Answers 280 views 0

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