Comedk entrance exam


Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported .


I want my refund because I was not allowed to give my COMEDK (UGET/UNIGAUGE) 2019 which cost me ₹2400. I reached the exam centre half an hour before the commencement of examination.The delay was due to the election. But the centre officials were very rude and ill mannered. They refused me along with four students to enter the examination hall.We were also stopped at the main gate for 15 minutes for no reason. I want my fees back.Please respond to this mail ASAP as this was really embarrassing. I request COMEDK to help me out of this problem or else I would have to take immediate measures.

Please respond and my application numbers is: CKU022345.Centre: Abhay Memorial Trust Group of Institution, 366 Sallahapur, Bamrauli, G.T Road, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India – 212208.Please take strict action against this centre so that same is not repeated in the future affecting students will, confidence, hard work, money and much more.

Rahul Kanoujia 6 years 0 Answers 364 views 0

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