SRM University — grading system of 2017-21 batch


Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported .


The 2015 regulation has drastically modified the grading system of the institute, this can offer students of SRM a good disadvantages in terms of placements and additional studies, as different school and universities in Bharat offer a grade of nine.0 for marks on top of eighty whereas in SRM grade of seven.0 is provided for college students grading between 75-84. This students here face a good disadvantage of nearly two grade points whereas competitory for higher studies and placements.

They have modified the grading system from 2018 regulation. Actual sufferers ar 2015 regulation students i.e. students United Nations agency have joined between 2015-17. Please apply the new grading system atleast for 2017-18 students.

Tharasree Amarnath 6 years 0 Answers 416 views 0

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