Onsitego — extended warranty


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I purchased an extended warranty through croma (New bel road, bangalore) for aquaguard supreme. Firstly this aquaguard supreme model is total rubbish. It gave us trouble right from the word go leaking from the bottom every 3-4 months. Nevertheless, aquaguard repaired reasonably promptly till the warranty ran out and onsitego took over. Recently again it leaked and onsitego took over. First it took 3 weeks to send some technician over — pretending first that the technician could not reach us which was a complete lie as 2 numbers were provided. Then the technician was totally incompetent, the leak came back within a day and another week went by before the technician was sent again. After which the technician said there was some circuit board problem and the part was not available etc. Another 3 weeks went by and then onsitego said that they would contact aquaguard directly and that we should pay whatever is needed and onsitego would reimburse later. The aquaguard technician came and said there was no problem and the issue was only with the filters and that onsitego would reimburse us for the change. We promptly agreed and dished out 4500 rupees. When contacted onsitego refused to pay this amount claiming that filters are not covered. Never once did they contact us explaining that this was the case. Onsitego is just total rubbish. Please do not buy extended warranty through this company. You will regret it for ever. Also be wary of buying aquaguard products.

aninda 5 years 0 Answers 168 views 0

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