Shalby Hospitals grievance: incompetent initial consultation and harassment


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My name is ashish. My mother was admitted for knee replacement surgery on twenty third Gregorian calendar month for each the limbs below single package that stands at five lacs. My mamma is insured by a mediclaim policy by star health and allied that started in mar, 2017. She was later diagnosed with ild in jul, 2017.

Before admitting, i got initial consultation from dr. Ajit gohel at shalby. throughout the this consultation, i might shown all the medication that my mother wont to be taking – one amongst them is for ild by dr harjit dumra of sparsh.

Somehow, the doctor didn’t provide importance to the ild or the other treatment that was current. He was simply targeted on knee replacement (As that’s their primary goal to satisfy the numbers i suppose!!)


Basis the initial consultation and x-ray reports of knees, we have a tendency to got the initial approval of two.5 animal product that is five0% of the whole add insured (5 lac) from star health and allied.

Now, throughout the preoperatives, that happens on the primary day once you get admitted, the anesthesiologist checked out the ild treatment papers and in some unspecified time in the future later he asked ME to place that paper into the shalby file. And, so i did.

Now, star health and allied medial officer took a glance at this ild paper. They rejected my claim on the grounds of non-disclosure of ild. Right now, i’m having to administered entire surgery add that stands at five animal product. i’m not mentally similarly as financially able to pay such massive add of cash. I’ve already paid 3lac and issued a post dated check of 60k that is due in four days.


I have the subsequent questions:

1) why initial consultation paper didn’t have any mention of ild if it’s necessary for the surgery. Had ild been mentioned within the initial paper, i might not have gotten pre-authorization of two.5 animal product then i might have gone for economy package at Krishna shalby or in different places for cheaper treatment that i will afford.

2) if initial consultation very didn’t need it as a result of ild isn’t connected for this kind of surgery, then why it absolutely was place afterward in shalby file inflicting this complete issue and distress and burden on ME.

3) since ild was diagnosed when the commencement of the policy, i need to fight for my rights with star health and allied insurance. But, hospital isn’t able to provide ME the treatment file then, i’m being denied of my rights. Hospital folks say that unless i pay the total quantity, the file won’t be two-handed over to ME. that is harrassment. after I took discharge on Sabbatum, 29th june, i used to be given assurance by man. Ravi Hindu deity that i will be given the file provided i pay 3lac and issue a check of sixty, 000/ post dated. I already paid three lacs and my sixty, 000/- check is thanks to be cached on ninth jul. Even when being given the assurances, hospital has currently turned back from their words. I’ve visited the places a minimum of three times and each time i met totally different folks as asked. But, an equivalent answer. does one guys have some single authority United Nations agency will handle the matter. It’s all those with none authority folks area unit handling the matter.

4) why at the time of discharge, man ravi didn’t confer with authority and approved. He simply faked it as he wished the space to be vacant, it seems.

5) I actually have no grudges with regards to the treatment or the employees. They were wonderful. It’s simply that you just cannot handle dispute resolution. Plus, the docotors United Nations agency give initial consulting don’t appear to be trained enough for the ramifications of their consuting papers. folks like U.S. area unit having in touch the forcefulness of their incompetence. this can be not acceptable.

6) why cannot the initial consultation be rock-solid to avoid such surprises afterward that area unit distressing for patients and their family?


I was discomfited with shalby, being such a large name, they are doing not appear to own any processes – to resolve disputes or for initial consultation. however on earth a common man would assume that he wouldn’t get something when pre-authorization of two.5 lac.


I really anticipate to cooperation by hospital therefore i will fight for my rights with the insurance underwriter.




ashish dubey 5 years 0 Answers 436 views 0

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