Spidigo Net Pvt Ltd. – Poor internet services


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Spidigo is the worst internet service provider. They take your money and then forget you. From 10 days of this month, there is no internet and even the rest of the days it’s slow. There is no grievance redressal system. They have put up all invalid and not in use customer complaint numbers. There is one number working which is not received by anyone and they keep your calls at the wait and make money. I have spent hundreds of Rs in calls only. There is no one to listen to you, but yes when there comes time to recharge they will come and pick all your calls and once the money is paid they either switch their phone off or ignore you. They have caused me immense mental and financial injury. The net is not available in most of the time of need and I have to buy a mobile pack. I want my money back along with compensation for below standard services.

Shipra sayal 6 years 0 Answers 195 views 0

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