Zookr smartwatch/another product


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Purchased a smartwatch from zookr.in. Actually saw an ad and directly went to its page. Selected and placed order for phantom 4g smart watch from their website. They delivered wrong product. A very cheap very low quality that too in crazy tungsten blue color! When i tried contacting them online via their website, they are seriously making fun of me as a cutomer by saying that they delivered the exact product as ordered! This is the same response i received fro their chat option, direct call to customer care and through email. They are simply making fun of me. Cheating and fooling me even after providing them with pictures and proof of what i ordered and what i received. Still they says they delivered the exact order and they want me to believe what ever they say. I sent them screen shot and camera snapped pic of the the products as to rectify their mitake. But they still say the same and closes the query leaving me very disappointed and cheated. And now, they are not even listing any of the smart watches in their websites. I hope they have achieved their target on cheatong customers with the watches matter. Ive seen alot of other customers here in this forum with same complaints. Kindly let know the formalities or procedures on this to get the actually ordered product or a refund feom them.

AshharAshraf 5 years 0 Answers 256 views 0

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