Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board [Bwssb] — water irregular supply by the waterman in abbaiah reddy layout, garebhavi palya, near lakshmi aparals bangalore 560068


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We are not getting kaveri water from past one and half month in garebhavi palya, abbaiah Reddy layout, near Lakshmi aparals road seriously the service of water supply man is horrible when beside neighbors are getting water regularly by paying bribe and we haven’t got the water from past one and half month almost according to the known sources only those who pay bride to the water supply man are the one who’s getting regular service and the person in charge of all supply is making all kind of problem plz kindly look into this serious issue because water is main source of basic need and other private water supply agents are making huge profit out of it where (2000 ltr is 800rs) which is making a pathetic Condition of the residents while paying water regular charges as well

ASHWINI 6 years 0 Answers 211 views 0

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