Digital Vidya — false promises


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My name is balaji devanathan, i am not a fake id as you are mentioning these days, you can check your database.The following are the complaints against digital vidya 1) the training for the digital marketing courses is very basic, even if we go through fb or twitter we can learn more than what is taught in dv.2) for admitting a candidate dv sales team can tell any number of promises without substance.3) recently dv introduced 2.0 format, in which there will be one or two videos for 1.5 to 2 hrs. Which will be so boring. Then it will be discussed during the that, the trainer will just graze the grass and go and it will be a total disappointment.4) knowing about 2.0 format, i have not opted for that. But for my last module, they were forcing me to do it in that format. Which is totally unethical.5) there were 18 special modules in their curriculum apart from 7 core modules. Since i am working, i opted for weekend classes. During counselling the sales personnel of dv didn’t tell that the special modules will be only on weekdays. I could not attend single module as i could not be available on weekdays. If it was told earlier i would not have enrolled to join the course.6) during the counseling and in their course brochures they promised to provide access to tools for practicing worth 75, 000. This is another fraudulent act. The tools were already available for free in trial and dv has no role in getting them any access to the participants.7) the tools they promised to provide will never be discussed by any of the trainers at any point in time. As if it is discussed the participants would come to know they ‘ve been deceived by dv. So the trainers carefully avoid to even mention about the tools.8) the trainers of dv are very ordinary and the curriculum is very basic, definitely it not worth spending money taking digital marketing course with dv.9) the coordinators were never available for any assistance.10) dv digital marketing courses are over hyped and over priced product with no value.I requested for my refund as dv has never fulfilled their promises. But i am not getting any reply so far for any of my concerns raised.I request pradeep, ceo to clarify and refund the money as the promises made by them were false.Thanks and regards


balajidevanatha 6 years 0 Answers 277 views 0

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