Sleepwell back pain issue when mistreatment sleep well matters. want answer to interchange pad right away


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This criticism is relating to sleep well pad Back Support pad Spintech Air. Size 198.1× 177.8× 14.0. Product code 78×70×5.5 (Qty: one Nos)


As name recommend Spintech Air however this pad is that the main reason behind our backpain that my husband and Pine Tree State is affected by. It became crumpled from center. once you lie thereon you may have a sense as if you’re sinking within the middle.


I was secure that this pad is specially designed in such some way that back issues can ne’er happen however result was wholly opposite and that i feal cheated.

If this issue isn’t dealt desperately, then i will be able to contact client court.

, modi vikas 6 years 0 Answers 285 views 0

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